
Friday, October 13, 2006

i'm going to be a STAH! 

Remember when I did some hard pimpin' for my man, Steve Amaya and his oh-so-fabu The Membrane?

Well, it turns out your humble blogger is going to be part of that esteemed podcast. After a lovely dinner last night, Steve and I moseyed over to my abode, whereupon he set up sound equipment and proceeded to record my sparkling remembrances for the sake of posterity. Or future episodes. They're the same, really.

So remember, check out The Membrane. You'll be glad you did.

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...