
Thursday, January 06, 2005

'tis the final day... 

...of Holidailies and I realized I really should write something today. But what, I wondered? Which of the myriad rowdy subjects running merrily through my brain before skidding to a stop to avoid hitting the side of the brain because, well, that shit hurts and I don't care if I did put butterfly decals on the sides, sometimes a poor idea will swear it's an open window and run right through my skull, shattering it to pieces and embedding bone splinters in the gray matter and by the way, did I mention that shit hurts and messes with cognitive functions and vocabulary and takes forever to fix, not to mention the skull-and-brain re-construction contractors will swear up and down that it'll be done in four weeks but four months later my poor skull still looks like Dresden in WWII and hot damn, that shit hurts!

Ahem. Anyway. Feisty ideas. Which to use.

None of them today, I fear. Because something truly incredible, something stupendously stupendous (stupid contractor told me he fixed my vocabulary - I'll sue him, I will) has happened. Something to block out all else with the blinding power of a full solar eclipse.

I have won an award.

No! It's true! And not just any award, mes amis. Oh, no. I have won...

*deep breath*

Spanglemonkey Best Rolling Complete Sentences to Hear in Your Head With a David Niven Accent Award!

Presented by the newly discovered (by me) fabulous Jo of Spanglemonkey and named specifically for me. I am so honored.

Doubly so since I've always rather liked David Niven. So cool. So smooth. So very British. I actually cried when he passed away in the mid-80s.

Thank you, Jo. Thank you. I-- You--


I feel like Halle Berry...

(BTW, if you have a blog and would like an award, just head on over to Spanglemonkey and ask for one of your very own. I'd never read her before Chuck posted his award, but I instantly liked what I read and immediately begged for my own humble award. And within minutes I got one! Truly the sign of a fabulous soul.)

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...