
Thursday, February 01, 2007

more about the walk... 

As many of you may know by now, yesterday Molly Ivins passed away, after a long struggle with breast cancer. She was 62.

It's sobering to look at her age, to realize that when she died, Ms. Ivins was younger than my mother is now.

My commitment to this walk is even keener. Not only am I doing this in honor of my mother - a wonderful woman who's had too much of life's darker side kick her in the head - but now in memory of a keenly sharp woman who's life work was to skewer the pomposity and over-weening arrogance of those who purported to be in service of the American people. She called 'em like she saw 'em, and she saw 'em as clear-eyed as anyone did, and clearer-eyed than most.

RIP, Ms. Ivins. You're already missed.

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