Thursday, February 08, 2007
channelling jimmy carter...
No, much like the country over which Carter presided when he spoke of a crisis in confidence, I'm feeling malaise.
All day I've tired and achy, with a bit of crankiness thrown in. Bones are too heavy to move. Mucsles think atrophy would be just peachy, swearing that vice-grips hold them in one place. Eyelids threaten to close. Brain wants to shut off and roll under the covers. People completely annoy the crap out of me.
Some moments I'm almost okay, but then a wave of malaise hits me anew, and I just want to crawl under my desk and curl up, waiting for it to go away and hoping I'll feel better soon.
The timing is, of course, rotten, as I'll be going to Tucson this weekend with HSTeacher. Sunday BestFriend and her family are having a naming ceremony for her new baby girl and HSTeacher and I will be driving there and back. It'll be the first time we go on a trip together, so I'm excited. But I'm also feeling a little trepidation, as we'll be driving fourteen hours round-trip and I am not a fan of long drives. I hope my crankiness clears up by the time we head out of L.A., else I will not be a fun traveling companion.
Of course I have tons of things to do tonight, but I lack the energy to do them. I wish I could take tomorrow off, but I'll be out of the office on Monday thanks to my treadmill stress test, so taking tomorrow off as well wouldn't be a good thing.
Too much to do, as usual, and no time to get it all done.
Labels: health, HSTeacher, pouty face
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