
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

time to baste the tofurkey... 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It's going to be a weird one for me. This will be the first Thanksgiving in over ten years that I haven't spent with family members. The last couple of years I rode up to Fresno with BabySis and her family to spend the holiday with the Fresno contingent. But now that BabySis and her family are living in Florida, that's not really an option anymore.

I could rent a car and still drive up, and if I didn't have this brand new spanking boyfriend o' mine, I probably would. (PS: he's not actually a spanking boyfriend, as neither of us is into that...) But HSTeacher's kids are going to be spending the weekend with their mother's family, and I hate the thought of him spending the holiday alone - plus I just really want to spend time with him - so I thought staying in the LA area would be best. We've been invited to dinner by ModelGirl and her hubby, and I'll be bringing yams and making pan fried tofu with peanut sauce, so at least we'll be spending the day with dear friends.

On Friday HSTeacher and I are scheduled to get a couple's session with a woman who specializes in alternative healing and helping couples realize their full potential, so I'm very much looking forward to that. And the rest of the weekend will be just hanging out and enjoying one another's company. Considering the last couple of weekends have seen us seeing each other for one night, it'll be nice to have this leisure time.

I just hope that it remains leisure time, because I've been feeling a little off since yesterday evening. Around 6pm I was at a Petco near work, picking up stuff for the kitties, and I was suddenly overcome by light-headedness. It felt like it took all of my concentration not to faint. I though it might be low blood sugar, so I went to get something to eat, but it hit me again, several times, and scared the crap out of me. I called my roommate to ask him to pick me up, as I didn't think I could take a hour and a half bus ride home, and proceeded to measure my heart rate as I waited - it got up to around 100 beats per minute a few times. Then again, the fear of fainting could have certainly shot my heart rate up a bit.

Soon after we got home I felt mostly ok, but the waves of light-headedness still came, though not as hard as before. And now it's almost 24 hours later and I'm still experiencing it. Though, again, not as bad as last night. The heart rate is averaging around 85-90 beats per minute - still quite fast for me, but not scarily so.

So I'll be going to the doctor's first thing on Monday morning (unless it gets dramatically worse before then) to get full bloodwork done. Adult onset diabetes and heart disease run in my family, so it would be best to rule those out or start treating them if it turns out I'm following in my family's footsteps. I'm trying to eat little somethings throughout the day, so that my blood sugar doesn't get low, and I'm trying to up my water intake, so there's no chance of dehydration.

If it turns out that nothing is physically wrong with me, I might have to accept that I might be experiencing low-level panic attacks. I've felt them before, and I've felt this faint feeling before, but never on such a sustained level, so yeah, gotta head out to the medicos.

I'm just wondering if the dehydration I was treated for last month was more of a symptom than a diagnosis.

I knew things were going too well for me...

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving for all readers based in the U.S.! And Happy Thursday to everyone else!

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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...