Tuesday, August 15, 2006
As y'all know, I'm going to be here at JPL until October, thanks to a bit of good timing.
Today I ran into one of my former JPL compatriots from my Professional Development days, who informed me that, though the last time we spoke - about three weeks ago - nothing was happening in PD, recently three positions opened up. He immediately thought of me.
Three. And while I can't exactly say that I'd have my pick of them, at least two of them would be ripe for me.
When we last spoke, I was only scheduled to work at JPL for two and half weeks, which he remembered. When I told him I was in my current assignment until October, his face fell.
"Oh. We can't wait that long."
Damned bad timing.
We talked some more and he suggested that I keep my eyes open - maybe one of the positions would still be open come October.
Let's see if the timing will work to my advantage again...
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