
Thursday, June 15, 2006

ACTION ALERT: Net Neutrality in Danger - Contact Your Representative! 

Crossposted from SoCal Grassroots Blog

I know this is old news by now, but it's still all too important - we've got to keep Net Neutrality alive!

Telecommunications companies may already be blocking content when they so desire, according to SaveTheInternet.com:
There’s a pervasive myth that there has been no Internet content discrimination by the large phone and cable companies. “That is simply untrue,” writes Matt Stoller of BlogPAC.

Stoller points to Cox Cable, which for three months has blocked their customers from accessing the online classifieds super-site, Craigslist. (Disclosure: the company’s founder, Craig Newmark, is a charter member of this coalition).

Go to SaveTheInternet.com and sign the petition - send your representatives the message that you know the COPE Act is meaningless and offers no real protection for Net Neutrality.

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