Wednesday, October 05, 2005
boobies are blossoming...
As Beth reminded us all in her blog, it's that time of year again. October means that the Fourth Annual Blogger Boobie-thon is upon us and the bosoms are in full bloom. Including your humble blogger's.
Yep, this year, thanks to the miracle of my beloved camera phone, I have submitted two sets of photos, of both the covered and uncovered variety. While there are a couple of my readers who may be able to identify my ta-tas due to up-close and personal experience (you know who you are, fellas), I do challenge the rest of y'all to guess which are mine. The prize for the first person to do so? I'm not sure. Maybe a product from the JPL store, since I have no swag to give.
How's this? If you view the free pages and guess my photos correctly, you'll get a JPL magnet or pen. From the pay-per-boobie pages? A JPL t-shirt. They're pretty cool, actually. I myself have a JPL hooded sweatshirt that I rather like and I don't even like hooded sweatshirts.
In case you don't know the drill, covered breasts are viewable for free, but if you want to see the uncovered ones, you'll have to fork over $50 or more in donations, which will be given to both the Red Cross and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, excellent causes both. For those not inclined to view female funbags, male racks are also available for perusal.
Oh, and I will give you two hints, one for each set: in one set I use props and in the other I wear clothing which I've mentioned wearing before in these pages. So if you've been reading me awhile, you might have a clue...
Good luck! And enjoy!
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.