
Sunday, August 21, 2005

she's alive! 

At least, that's the rumor going 'round town.

This entry that I'm typing? This one right here? I actually wrote a few weeks ago in a notebook when I was having a wee bit of down time. Same with the next one I'm going to type out a little later today. Yeah, I suck. But really, when was that ever a surprise?

So just pretend it's the first week of August, 'k? After all, wasn't it such a lovely week that you'd be happy to re-live?


I'm not exactly big with the timely reporting these days, am I? Else I would have written of so long ago about attending the Villaraigosa inauguration. Not that there's much to tell. I went, I stood at the back of the crowd in high heat for several hours, I cursed my usually comfortable stylish, yet mostly practical low-heeled shoes, I ran into people I knew and I headed out to Pasadena to meet Boychik and helped him move for a billion hours. Not exactly thrilling, though I was, again, impressed by Villaraigosa. And I continue to be impressed.

What else, what else? Oh yeah. As I mentioned before, I worked on the Out of Iraq Town Hall held on July 23rd, aka Downing Street Memo Day amongst us progressive types. I was asked to be a real-time blogger for the event, but my lack of laptop prevented that. Too bad, as I think it would have been fun. Though, knowing me, I would have gotten too caught up in everything to remember to write about it. I got too caught up in everything to remember to take pictures and that takes a hell of a lot less time.

However I did help MusicianMan with verifying media list info. The poor fella had a ton of technical stuff dumped on him at the last minute, so he called up a few people to help, including me (and that was a long, long process, let me tell ya). And on the day of the event I observed and helped pass out media list papers (whee!) and tried to relieve several tabling volunteers outside, though to no avail. I guess they liked the heat. I also went with a group to the Universal MetroRail station to pass out Downing Street Memo literature in an effort to get the truth out to people (i.e. tourists - the station is across the street from Universal Studios) who may not be hearing about it due to lack of media coverage.

As far as my impressions of the teach-in, it was interesting. Most of the information I already knew, but the speakers were, for the most part, interesting. I can see why Maxine Waters has been elected numerous times - she's a dynamic speaker of conviction. Jane Bright - a founding member of Gold Star Families for Peace - was very moving in speaking about her son who was killed in Iraq. The same can be said of Fernando Suarez del Solar, stunning in his passion about the illegal war in Iraq and how it claimed the life of his son. And once again I was taken by Tim Goodrich, one of the founders of Iraq Veterans Against the War and a well spoken young man whom I'd heard speak a couple of months prior at an event titled Soldiers' Stories.

But, of course, the highlight for me was Mike Farrell (a video of his speech. along with a number of others, can be found at truth out). I just have to say, yet again, that he rocks, even if he was incredibly distracted when I re-intorduced myself.

So yeah, cool stuff. And it promises to get cooler and busier.

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...