
Monday, April 25, 2005

thank you, bay area... 

Some lovely events in San Francisco and Santa Cruz this weekend, but not enough time or brain cells to go into detail just yet. Perhaps Tuesday or Wednesday night. But I wanted to check in, say, "Hi! Still alive!" and express my thanks to the following people:

* Sarriah - for being an excellent traveling companion and platonic wife. For accompanying me to and from San Francisco. For doing the actual driving. For being the terrific type of person who doesn't mind me dozing during most of the drive, even when I snore and gravely utter the cryptic words, "I will," in my sleep, aggravatingly not supplying additional sleep-talking to explain the need for those words. Even I don't remember why I said that.

* Brian - for his hospitality on Saturday. For inviting me to his friend's birthday party (turns out her birthday is actually today, as is another friend of hers - BTW, check out Mica Lee Williams- she's an excellent musician/singer/songwriter and an all-around cool chick) where I met some truly fun and interesting people. For showing me around parts of San Francisco I would normally have never seen. For living in the Haight. For letting me crash at his place Saturday night.

* Grace - for taking the word "fabu" to a whole new place with her beauty, sweetness, humor, intelligence, perception, yummy cooking and stunning hospitality. For making Sarriah and me feel at home the minute we stepped across the threshold of her fabulously rustically artistic home (seriously, love the house, especially the shower in the main bathroom) with the Best. Backyard. Forest. Ever. I will HAVE to write more about the visit a a day or so, but Grace is simply a lovely host and human. And her hubby George is pretty darned nice too!

* A Gentleman of Undisclosed Identity - for breaking my year-long no-sex draught. He reads these pages and he knows who he is. As I am a lady, I will disclose no details, but suffice to say I feared for his neighbors' sleep and his eardrums. Several times over. 'Nuff said.

*Last but by no means least: my fabulous readers - for checking in even when I'm not around and for just being all around cool people. This is turning out to be a damned cool 39th birthday and y'all have something to do with that. Thank you.

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...