
Thursday, February 17, 2005

a new entry? just maybe? 

I'll be winging my way to lovely Tucson way too early tomorrow morning to visit BestFriend and her family. I'm hoping I'll have a little posting time after I get there (BTW, in case y'all didn't quite catch it the first eleventy billion times, I'm BUSY! Because I'm the ONLY busy person in the history of the WORLD!), since BFHubby will be picking me up from the Tucson airport, taking me to his work, and supposedly setting me up at a computer while he's working. The plan is to write a few entries that I've been planning to post and have even written in a notebook whilst on the bus with the plans to transcribe them onto keyboard and computer screen. After all, with my political meetings (on the recommendation of the rather attractive DemDelegate [What? I'm a single gal who likes to look at cute guys! That should come as no surprise!] I'm now on the Strategy Sub-Committee of the SoCal Grassroots Communications Committee - I'm a mover and a shaker, baby!) and that Kenny Club meeting (where I saw, for the first time in over ten years, the lovely wife of GruvLoungeGoth, with whom I was a good friend back in high school and a few years afterwards - we hugged for, like, ever, it seemed) and enjoying an open mic night last weekend (which I've decided I will participate in next month, because the host thought me reading my short stories would be a good thing - some talented musicians there on Saturday), not to mention the hard work getting this writing class locked down is turning out to be and the ever elusive recounting of last week's BookCrossing MeetUp, which might be of interest to anyone who has been following the CuteNerdBoy Saga - which has existed throughout the entire life of this humble blog-- Well, there's lots to tell.

That will, however, depend on if I can keep my head upright and not thunk it on the desk in a dead sleep, delicate drool streaming from my mouth to the top of the desk. Because I'll be getting no sleep tonight as I prepare a few things and I'll be leaving super, super early for a 8:30am flight. (BTW, you know how they say your real friends will drive you to the airport? Sarriah is beyond the real friend level, as she is both taking me to and picking me up from the airport - I may have to give her my first born for this, or at least pay for gas and buy coffee and dinner and wash her car and paint her fence and braid her cats' hair. Then again, they also say a friend will help you move but a real friend will help you move a body - maybe she's got a body she wants me to help move...) After about three hours of sleep last night - which I do not regret, as it involved laughter and religious/political/incredibly personal discussions on the phone for over four hours with an interesting person, never a bad thing in my book - I may not be at my most scintillating. Or, for that matter, awake.

I'll be in Tucson until Monday night. I'm taking Tuesday off work, hoping to use it as a decompress day (and in honor of BestFriend's birthday), but it looks like I'll have to use it to run errands, as several things have popped up and that's the only day I have open to take care of them.

So if I don't show up tomorrow, it's because I'm contributing to the noise pollution of BFHubby's workplace with my snores. I'll try to pop my head in here over the weekend, as I have in the past, but I make no promises.

I hope y'all had a great Valentine's Day, BTW. I spent mine in writing class, which was just fine by me. And here's to a terrific President's Weekend for you American types. For the international folks, have a great weekend in general.

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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...