
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

a quick update... 

ValleyGirlRep and her hubby are safe and sound and staying in Bangkok before they venture to the eastern islands of Thailand (I understand most of the destruction was on the western islands). They flew out on Sunday, before news of the tsunamis made it back to the States.

Definitely a load off my mind, let me tell you. Thank you for all of your well-wishes.

There are over 100,000 projected deaths due to the earthquake and tsunamis. Such a high number is too mind-numbing to comprehend.

A few places to go if you want to help the victims:
American Red Cross
Amazon.com - American Red Cross Disaster Relief
This Is Not Over - links to charitable agencies in several countries
CNN.com - Aid groups accepting donations for victims
Daily Kos - links to charitable agencies
The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami blog - links and updates

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