Thursday, October 07, 2004
if you're curious...
I haven't watched it yet.
I know, I know. I got home much later than I anticipated last and was plum tuckered out. And not in the the proper frame of mind to evaluate whether I prefer crunchy or creamy, er I mean, Edwards or Cheney.
(Though the answers, of course, are crunchy and Edwards - I mean, what true peanut butter lover will pick creamy? *snort*)
All I wanted to do was surf and write.
With luck, perhaps tonight I'll set my eyes upon that scathing war of words.
Though I have to say, if you're waiting for my analysis, ya might want to find someone who actually knows anything about politics. Me, I'm just a tree-hugging pinko commie progressive dyed-in-the-wool liberal who likes to dabble a little bit. What do I know?
I mean, I think I know everything, but I've been known to be wrong. But don't tell anyone...
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.