Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I'm also tired, I feel like puttering even though there's a fair amount of work to do, and I'm more than a tad stressed over money. Oh, and both of my bra underwires keep poking my tits. And I think I'm starting to feel a little PMSy.
On top of all that, I do believe I'm coming down with a lovely lil' cold, which makes me feel even more tired and the tiniest bit weak. Amazing what a lack of sleep and a surplus of stress will do for a gal.
Despite the appearance of my previous paragraphs, I don't feel cranky. Just kind of, well, here.
On the upside, NewYorkWriter has invited me to see The Manchurian Candidate tonight at a free screening, so I'm looking forward to that. I did want to see the original film first, but that's okay. This is a movie I wanted to see, so I'm a happy girl.
A tired, sick, puttering, worried, weak, blah, PMSy girl perhaps, but a happy one nonetheless.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.