Friday, July 16, 2004
a fun, er, i mean, miserable link...
Well, he has a new category on the page, which means you have five types of poems you can generate, Mad-Libs-like. I recommend that y'all give it a shot - it's fun.
Wait, I take that back. It's absolutely miserable. No fun at all.
Here's my most recent effort:
stolen emotionYeesh. That-- I--
what have you wrought?
a miasma of misery as affections writhe.
once we savored bliss,
wide-eyed and open,
but your desire soured.
a deadened morass of agony -
tears follow pain, follow bitterness,
love ground to dust.
in a torrent of sorrow,
i still love you.
Wow, that's bad. And yeah, it's been kind of a shitty week and all, but I'm pretty sure it's not been that shitty. Well, all the poems are guaranteed to be depressing and depressingly bad, so have at it!
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.