Monday, June 28, 2004
hell hath no fury...
It was an interesting weekend, all told, to be recounted in full, hopefully later today (Monday), but I will say that an odd confluence (er, I mean "sequence" - I shouldn't type [or think] when half asleep) of events caused CuteNerdBoy and I to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 on Sunday evening. And all I can say is, "Wow."
That is a powerful movie. And one that makes me furious. It's several hours later and I'm still furious.
I'll make an admission, one that I made to CuteNerdBoy, which brought about his patented, "Carol, you've grown another head," look (it's one he's employed often in the last year): I'd never seen a Michael Moore movie before.
Odd, I know, especially for a raging liberal/progressive like myself. Like so many other things, I'd just never gotten around to it. Oh, I'd seen The Awful Truth and TV Nation before, but his movies had, thus far, remained unviewed by me, even though I've wanted to watch them. But I was certainly familiar with his work, his penchant for incendiary filmmaking and many of the facts presented (and yes, those were facts - presented in a blatantly biased fashion, of course [it's Michael Moore, for heaven's sake - what do people expect by now?], but still facts). All of that, and my habit of taking any media that is politically or religiously motivated with a huge salt-lick, did not negate the power of the movie.
I've got to run off and get some sleep now because I'm finding it increasingly difficult to type (I just hope I can sleep after that movie), so I'll just urge y'all to go see Fahrenheit 9/11. It's a hell of a film and one that needs to be seen, especially in this election year.
I'm glad we contributed to the huge opening weekend box office.
Oh, and apropos of nothing else here, except for the whole "good stuff" thing, check out Pamie's book drive for San Diego. I'll be contributing once I get the funds to do so. After all, while I'd been reading avid since I was 5 or 6 years old, it was in San Diego that my love for books truly blossomed. And that was thanks to the bookmobiles and libraries. I'd love to give back to the library system that gave a shy, awkward teen an outlet for her imagination, the nascent writing desire, and the opportunity to live in, and create, other realities, if only for a little while.
And if you'd rather give to your community, there's nothing wrong with that. That's what I did last year.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.