
Sunday, May 09, 2004

poetry corner... 

I don't consider myself a poet. I've written poetry, sure. I've even written a few songs. But, to be honest, most of my poetry and songs kinda suck. Some of them? More than kinda suck. They blow.

But there are a few that I rather like. Oddly enough, the ones that I like are ones that I consider songs because I heard music in my head while I wrote them and I still hear the same music in my head when I read them.

Are they any good? I think so. Heaven knows I could be wrong about that. It's not like I'm the most objective person when it comes to my writing.

So I thought I'd share one with y'all tonight. It's a song that I wrote about a number of years ago, one that's been rattling around in my brain of late. I hope you like it. And if you don't, please refrain from throwing rotten fruit. I mean, I don't think it's my best writing ever, but it doesn't totally suck or blow.

Slow, slow, slow
You said go slow, my dear
Fast, fast, fast
I want to go fast, my dear

I want to touch your face
Stroke your hair
Kiss your lips, my dear
I want to feel your warmth
Your skin beneath
My fingertips, my dear
Each night I lie awake
Thinking about what
We almost were, my dear

And I hear your voice
Whisper in my ear
Take things slow, my dear
We must go slow, my dear

And I know you're right
Oh I know you're right

But remembering
Your hot kisses
Tortures me, my dear
Your sweet dark eyes
In my mind
Tortures me, my dear
And your gentle fingers
Stroking my skin
Tortures me, my dear

So hold me, just hold me
'Cause you told me, go slow

For you I will
Go slow, my dear
My sweet, sweet dear

Slow, slow, slow, slow
But not too slow, my dear
My sweet, sweet dear

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

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