
Sunday, May 09, 2004

i've got to stop... 

...listening to so much music.

Okay, not really, because I really do need music. Oh G-d, how I need music. But damned if it doesn't confuse my poor lil' mind sometimes.

So yesterday, in the midst of errand-running and writing, slight cleaning and watching Angel episodes and keyboard lessons, not to mention chatting on the phone for long periods of time with Sarriah, Boychik, BabySis and WriterBoy (yea! It's been awhile, but it was nice to talk to him again - the poor man has a lot going on right now. I hope it lightens up a bit soon. Not just because it would be nice to hang out with him again [though it certainly would], but mainly for his own sake. Constant stress just isn't a good thing.), I also listened to Another Disc #13.

Actually I've been listening to it almost non-stop since last Sunday. There are a few songs that I've fallen in love with. But as I listened to one of the songs yesterday I thought, "Hey, maybe this will be the song I sing during the Moulin Rouge singing contest." I keep changing my mind as to the song I want to sing, wondering if I want to go the sexy, smoldering route (which will go with my costume) or the sincere, emotionally affecting route. The song I heard yesterday struck an emotional chord and is one that is in my limited singing range.

(I'm not saying what the song is because occasionally CuteNerdBoy reads my 'blog and I'd rather the song that I ultimately choose be a surprise, since he will be present.)

So what did I do? I printed the lyrics off the internet, popped the CD in the stereo, and sang along as if I were actually performing in front of an audience, stapler in hand using it like a microphone. At one point I actually rehearsed using my feather boa, which will be part of my costume. Because a girl's got to know if all the elements will work together, ya know. And I rehearsed for easily 30-45 minutes.

I still don't know if I'll use that song. It actually works with my voice, surprisingly enough. And once I learn it a little better I know what to do with it to make it sound even better. But sometimes I think the sexy, smoldering route might still be the way to go.

I wonder, do real singers and musicians experience these same dilemmas? Probably. And it's probably even more confusing, because they're usually choosing material they've created themselves and how can they show favoritism like that with their own creations. It would be like choosing a favorite amongst their children.

Or maybe not. Eh, I'm over thinking things again. And I've got stuff to take care of before I head out to hang out with family for Mother's Day. So off I go!

A terrific day to everyone, and a happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there!

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

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