
Sunday, April 04, 2004

Will someone please... 

...tell my cat BJ (he's named after BJ Hunnicut from M*A*S*H, you delightfully dirty-minded people) that there is no need for him to dip the entire top of his head into the water of the table top fountain near my computer in order to drink from it? And that vigorously shaking his head to clear the water from his fur is not a recommended action, especially when I'm actually at the computer?

...tell my oldest cat Noel that, contrary to what he may think, my little buckwheat pillow is not big enough for both his big part-Maine Coon body and my not-entirely petite noggin? And while someone is at it, ask him why, after being in my care for over ten years, he's suddenly decided that sharing pillow is the thing to do?

...tell BJ's brother Edison that his continuing insistence of flopping down on the kitchen floor right in front of my barely shuffling feet every morning is going to get one or both of us killed when I either step on him or trip over him and hit my head on the corner of the stove?

...tell Sarriah how much I love to read this sort of realization? That's okay, I'll tell her myself.

...tell the woman I saw in the building in which I work that, despite her constant pushing and pulling of that glass door, it is still not going to open, as she might have deduced had she read the huge "Out of Order" sign that happened to be at her eye level? And that looking at the door in disbelief, as if she could not believe its temerity to not open for her, is not going to make the door realize the error of its ways and suddenly swing wide for her?

...tell George W. Bush that he is a big idiot and liar and should just remove himself from office immediately? Oh yeah, people already have told him that. Well, just tell him again. Maybe this time it'll stick.

...tell me how this entry evolved from marginally cute cat stories to railing against the hopefully soon-to-be-ex-UnPresident? 'Cause I don't have a clue. Except that it's always fun to rail against Bush - fun for the whole family! Go ahead, give it a try!

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...