Friday, April 16, 2004
it's a puzzler...
The entrees were placed on the table. I watched as the man sitting across from me contemplated the food on his plate and an odd flutter of anticipation danced in my solar plexus as I wondered, "Which would it be?"
He placed his napkin on his lap and seemed to take his time in regards to eating his meal. Finally, after what seemed an interminable few seconds, he picked up his fork. The flutter turned into a full-fledged joyful jig.
"All right!" my mind cried, though my face betrayed only the smallest smile. "He's a leftie!"
It's strange, but there is something about left-handed men that I absolutely adore. Not that there's anything wrong with right-handed men. Considering that all of my boyfriends have been righties, I'm obviously not prejudiced against them. Hell, I'm a right-hander myself.
But whenever I've gone out with a south-paw I've felt that extra thrill that right-handers can't quite inspire in me.
I couldn't tell you why. The only left-handed person I knew growing up was my mom, but no male lefties. Maybe it's because they're in the minority. Or maybe it's because the first man I ever loved - back in good ol' GHHS - was a talented left-handed artist and writer. His work was the stuff of fantasy novels and Heavy Metal comics, with an intricately created world, language and alphabet. Incidentally, he was also one of the few men I've ever known to write not only legibly, but with lovely handwriting that obviously leant itself to the alphabet he had invented. (I soon discovered this lovely writing was not representative of all lefties. Far from it, actually.)
While I can't say for certain that my high school love - who, BTW, I was never actually involved with (just a good friend - story of my life, apparently) - was the model for my attraction to south-paws, I can say that, for a very long time, left-handedness in a man has been a symbol of right-brained creativity, sexiness and virility. At least in my eyes.
Turns out that I'm not the only woman to think so. Sarriah and I have discussed this subject, singing the praises of the south-paw male. Damn if seeing those boys with a pen or utensil in left-hand hasn't made both of us sigh with delight, if only mentally. Especially pens. I love watching a left-handed man write.
And to answer a question that may be traipsing through your minds, yes. CuteNerdBoy is a leftie. It's no wonder I've been head over heels for that boy. WriterBoy is also a left-handed fella. And both of them are bespectacled. Oh, how I adore wire-rimmed glasses on a guy.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.