
Tuesday, March 09, 2004


A few readers have expressed concern over my last entry. I've thanked them individually, but I just want to thank everyone for your concern. I'm okay, better than yesterday, certainly. I wasn't even all that down last night, just trying to find my bearings again and trying to come to terms with the vagaries of life. It's an ongoing struggle. It's just the way life is sometimes.

Besides which, March is going to be a rocking month. Nerve.com says so:

"The stars put you on house arrest last month, but your socio-sexual hiatus is officially over. Mars and Venus, the great cosmic lovers, are both in your sign, so you're emitting the rare I’m-hot-shit-in-the-sack pheromone. Even better news: Your confidence and prowess will extend beyond the boudoir. So if you don’t get any in the next couple of weeks, you have no one to blame but yourself. "

Now, I'd rather there be some emotional connection happening in conjunction with the whole "getting laid" aspect of the month. I'm just funny that way. Still, it's nice to know that if I want hot fucker-monkey sex, it's there for the taking, even if I end up not taking it.

Mmmm, hot fucker-monkey sex...

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...