
Thursday, February 26, 2004


I'm getting married!

I know, I can't believe it either! It was so unexpected, so out of the blue, that I was left utterly speechless. Thankfully the proposal was via e-mail, so actual speech wasn't needed to respond.

As you may have guessed, I typed, "Yes."

Next Tuesday, after the writing group meeting, Sarriah and I will be jumping the broom.

Okay, neither one of us is African-American, it's true, but neither one of us is a lesbian either, so it's sort of all the same.

She originally suggested we go to San Francisco, to do it as a political statement, but in the end we decided a little deal after the writing group would be more appropriate. Besides which, in thinking about it, I imagine the folks getting married up north right now (well, maybe not right now, since it's nearly 11pm) are taking it all very seriously, as do I, because I honestly think those wedding ceremonies are absolutely wonderful. And I would never want it to appear as if I'm mocking them.

But there is that contrary strain in me that wants so badly to stick it to the uptight conservative assholes against two loving people demonstrating commitment who just happen to be of the same gender. Throwing it in their faces even more would be a very sweet thing.

I know! Sarriah and I can marry next week, and we'll include MidWestRoommate in on it. Because if there's anything that'll get the conservative fuckers' collective panties in a bunch (and more than a few right-leaning dicks hard, I'm sure) than two hot straight chicks getting married, it'll be three hot straight chicks getting married.

Quasi-lesbianism and polygamy.

It's all so beautiful. I think I'm gonna cry.


BTW, I'm not even going to go the current Un-President supporting the Federal Marriage Act. The top of my head threatens to blow off every time it passes through my mind.

Just go read John and Rob for pretty much my take on the issues involved. Their eloquence far outstrips mine any day of the week.

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

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