
Friday, February 20, 2004

I fucking love John Scalzi... 

...and this is the reason. Hell, he wrote my own thoughts better than I ever could, but I'm going to throw in my two cents regardless.

As readers have no doubt gathered by now, I'm not married. I've never been married. I'd like to rectify that someday, find a nice young(ish) man with whom to settle down and have kids, 'cause that's just the type of gal that I am. Despite my parents' impending divorce, the divorces of several friends and non-immediate family members, I still believe in marriage. I'm just a hopeless romantic, I guess.

As such I just don't see why two loving, caring people, who just happen to be the same sex, wanting to get married, to enjoy all of the legal and societal benefits that heterosexual couples have long enjoyed - well, I don't see how that would threaten the "institution" of marriage. Any arguments I've read against same sex marriages are so full of holes and slippery slopes that it's all I can do not cart said argument makers into psychiatric wards for evaluation because, quite frankly, they seriously sound insane to me. And when people start dragging in the whole "G-d thinks it's bad" bit, I just have to ask when they got the direct line to G-d, 'cause as far as I can tell, He's not personally weighing in on the issue.

(Newsflash: the Bible, the Qu'ran, the Talmud, other such books - though ostensibly inspired by the words of G-d, still written by humans. As such, not exactly a bolt of G-d Lightning etched in stone. I have respect for these books as tenets of faith, but that's all they are. Sorry to break it to you.)

(BTW, check out the comments in that link - John and friends are driving tanks through those holes. Again, love those folks.)

And if lesbian or gay couples want children - either through adoption or artificial insemination or surrogate parenting or what have you - as long as both partners are committed to each other and to their children, are loving parents doing the best they can to raise those children (just like straight couples around the world), then who the fuck cares about whether there's a strong "father" or "mother" figure in the family. How about just a strong parental figure? Or two? The chances are pretty good that both gender roles will be filled by someone in the immediate circle of the family.

I have several gay friends. At the moment I don't have any lesbian friends. I don't really know why, outside the fact that I've known few lesbians and, for whatever reason, we've not hung out often enough to become friends. If any of my gay friends told me that he had met the love of his life, or wanted to marry his boyfriend, and asked me to attend the ceremony, I would say yes in a heartbeat. Because being invited to an event that celebrates the love and commitment that two people have for each other would make me unbelievably happy. And honored that they would want me to participate.

Funny thing is, I feel the same about the straight people I know.

Must be the hopeless romantic in me.

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