Friday, December 19, 2003
Heavens to Murgatroid...
After two days of sort of moping around the apartment, staying up late and waking up late, doing nothing more than running a couple of errands and going into Lions Gate yesterday afternoon to clean up a few stacks of paper on my incredibly messy desk (which, surprisingly enough, wasn't looted for suppiles until today, bless my ex-co-workers lil' hearts), I decided that this morning would be the morning that I would start getting a few things done. I was out of bed between 8:30 and 9am and got online almost immediately, taking breaks only for an English muffin and the restroom. And to load up the CD player with music.
Turns out I haven't accomplished much besides e-mailing everyone in the Western world and briefly IMing with LiterateLawyerGuy, but that's accomplishing something too, since I'm responding to all of my friends' e-mails about what I'm looking for in a new job and giving them and OlderBro copies of my resume to forward to others. I've tried signing up for unemployment insurance, but I realized that I didn't possess all the info at my fingertips that I thought I needed, so I e-mailed people for that info, only to realize that I'd actually been working for Lions Gate for 18 months, which means that I didn't need the previous employer info after all. I tried to get back in contact with the EDD, but too many people are trying the same thing so I can't talk to anyone right now. Filling out the application online isn't an option because there are questions I need answered and the online help doesn't answer those questions. Here I thought it would be easy. Silly me!
Despite the flurry of e-mails that I've received and sent, there are still a few more people I have to respond to, but I think I might give my fingers a rest. At least for a little while. And I still need to call a few more employment agencies and update my account, as well as the other online job search engines I belong to. And I have to try to actually talk to someone at the EDD. And...
I'm kinda starting to wish I hadn't moped the last two days. But at least I'm caught up on my sleep. I haven't had that for a very long time.
I think I'm looking forward to a fun, busy weekend. If I can get some specifics locked down, that is. A possible party tomorrow night, or maybe spending time with ModelGirl on Sunday, or maybe some time with LiterateLawyerGuy at some point over the weekend, but I don't know when that'll be, or possibly dinner with my friend tonight that is wants some web coding work done, or...
Geez Louise, Uncertainty is the name of this holiday season, isn't it? Oh well, what's a girl to do? I'll deal with it as best as I can. Not much else to be done.
Though ibuprofen is starting to call to me. And, for some reason, so is my bed...
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.