
Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Another fun evening... 

Last night was another fun evening with CuteNerdBoy, with little of the frustration of the last date. Perhaps it was because I was generally feeling more at ease. Perhaps it was because it was a BookCrossing meeting and there were a total of eight people for about half the night, all very lively, intelligent folks. Perhaps it was because we were joined by his aunt, whom I've met several times before, and his brother, whom I met for the first time last night.

Or maybe it was because the mixed messages were less. His behavior towards me was, well, I won't say proprietary, because that's not the right word, but... When he did things like pat the booth seat next to him at dinner with his brother and aunt after the meeting, walk up from behind his brother to stand next to me while I was talking to CNBBrother, or, while pulling chairs for the rest of the BookCrossing members, making sure he sat next to me - it all made me feel good, still makes me smile.

Plus hanging out with CNBAunt is always fun and CNBBrother is pretty cool (though he can't hold a candle to CuteNerdBoy), so there was much talking and laughing, with hugs from each of them at the end of the evening (which was earlier than I would have liked, but CNBAunt had work to finish up - having played hooky by coming out with us for the night).

Tomorrow night CuteNerdBoy and I are getting together for the screening of a movie that my company was involved with. Hopefully there will be dinner afterwards. I'm really looking forward to it.

I hope he is too.

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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...