
Sunday, September 21, 2003

Yeah, what they said... 

A few journal entry links to some cool folks, 'cause I want to post something but can't be bothered to be pithy (ok, it's not that I can't be bothered - ain't nothin' springing to mind now):


This is how I felt trying to get home on the bus Friday night, which contributed to my general rotten mood that night. There are some people on the bus, including the slowest bus driver in all the world who was a freaking forty minutes late, who are very lucky. If only they knew.

This is a major reason I'm behind the technological curve by about an eon. (Well, that and money, or lack thereof.) If I bought all the gadgets I'd like to buy I'd never be able to function if one of them died a horrible and gruesome death. I get that attached. Though the inventors of the cordless phone and the headset should be cannonized. I'm sorry if it's a little rude, but I love being able to talk with friends while sweeping the floor or changing the cat litter.


Not all of these thoughts run through my brain. For instance, as far as I can tell, I don't have a vague distrust of the Thin. I feel sorry and sad for all of my friends who go through break-ups, whether thin or not. I don't seem to attract random comments from strangers on the street. (Well, except for that girl on the bus a while ago who called me a dumb fat bitch when I dared to suggest that she not push against the people in front of her as we all got on the bus, with me right behind her. I told her, very calmly and reasonably, that it must be horrible to be so rude and impatient, which she didn't seem to know how to handle. Even better - both the bus driver and the girl's male companion were totally on my side, which made me smile.) And I nearly always think that I'm attractive and/or sexy. That could just be my incredibly large ego, though.

But I'll admit that a lot of those thoughts have run through my head at one time or another. Unfortunately. And it sucks.


Big hugs to Kymm. Man, I can so relate, because I've certainly been there before. She's a brave woman.


An oldie but a goodie - who hasn't felt like this? I'm pretty secure in my own intelligence. Sometimes a trifle too secure. But there have sure been times I've felt like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel. ("TV is good thing. Bright colours. Music. Tiny little people.")

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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...