
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Links and (slightly interesting) news... 

Today's post will be brought to you courtesy of Laziness. Laziness - when you can't be bothered to come up with something entertaining yourself.

And its subsidiaries: Sloth and Procrastination.

(I plan on adding more links as the day goes on. Please contain your excitement.)

* Damn fucking straight, Sars. It's a shame that people still feel the need to write such an essay in the 21st Century.

* Mike rocks my political 'blogging world. Again.

* As usual I'm a bit behind the times, but -- wow. Gordon Jump, Robert Palmer and George Plimpton, all dead, right in a row. Strange thing is, which one affects me the most? Not Jump, despite my enjoyment of WKRP in Cincinnati in my youth. Not Palmer, despite coming of age during the height of his popularity.

Nope, it's Plimpton that makes me go, "No way." Even though I've never read anything of his. Maybe it was his gentle self-deprecation that I connected with. Gotta love a man like that, sending himself up on The Simpsons.


In other news:

* Last night I started exercising again. Yea! By the end of August and throughout September I was too tired to do more than walking to and from bus stops, with the occasional neighborhood amble and strolling to the corner shopping center near work for lunch. But last night I said, "C'mon, Carol, get that ass in gear!" And I did. I Gazelled for an hour, then did a billion ab crunches. Okay, it was actually about 350 crunches (doing four different kinds), but it sure felt like a billion.

I exercised this morning too (20 minutes on the Gazelle, 300 crunches). I'm trying to cut back on the restaurant lunches, paying better attention to what I eat. And, having fallen firmly off the vegan wagon, I've decided to at least sit on the running board again, because I'm tired of the congested sinuses and post-nasal drip that worsen when I have dairy. It totally sucks.

* At the risk of sounding pretentious, this morning I started writing my "memoirs." I was sitting at my last bus stop of the morning, not in the mood to read anymore, and I decided to just start writing the story of my life, such as it is. It may end up as vaguely veiled fiction or it may turn into a straight forward account of what I remember. Or maybe just a series of barely connected vignettes, grouped together in chapters by a common theme. Haven't quite gotten that worked out yet.

But I do have the first two paragraphs. (Hey, I write slowly. And I didn't write on the bus, because my handwriting is illegible enough without dealing with the jostling.) I have to admit, they're pretty good. Now, I don't know if anyone is going to be interested in reading my autobiography. I'm no one famous or infamous and, while there have definitely been some interesting episodes that have happened to me and my family, there's no violence or anything like that.

I'll just have to punch up the sex.

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...