
Tuesday, August 26, 2003

A few thoughts... 

* I have a new (to me) computer. Yea! My old one was ready for the Smithsonian, the chewing gum and dental floss holding it together starting to give off an unappealing smoky smell as the tiny hamsters trying to keep the circuits running were starting to drop from exhaustion and the captive minature artist in the monitor realized that his billet was hardly the honor I persuaded him it was, when WestHollywoodBoy bought himself a fancy new computer with a billion bells and whistles. And he sold me his five year old computer for $100 (it runs ten times better than my quaint spit-and-wire job). Not too shabby. This weekend I'll set it up and transfer files. Now I just have to figure out how to install the CD-RW drive that, for some reason, WestHollywoodBoy removed. (I have one in the old computer, but it's nowhere near as fast as the new one.)

Best thing? I'll not only be able to print again, but I'll be able to use Word without the program crashing every time I start it. Whee!!! Thank you, WestHollywoodBoy! (Not that he ever reads this, but that's okay.)

* I may be a bit late in linking this, but why should I stop being a Janey-Come-Lately now? I applaud these brave young men and would consider joining them, except for two facts:

  1. Until the exercise achieves its desired result, I am in possession of a fair amount of "junk in my trunk";
  2. the skin stretched over said trunk has never seen the warm rays of the sun, rendering it a most blindingly pale white.

It is perhaps best that I not participate, for the good of all mankind.

John Scalzi wonders if it'll be construed as protected speech. For the sake of the guys, I just hope that it's not considered a threat against national security.

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Carol/Female/36-40. Lives in United States/California/Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley, speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.
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United States, California, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, English, Carol, Female, 36-40.

WWW all the fun of the fair...